Archive for March, 2014

Kindred’s Special: Mythical Truth of Nimzovitch– Irony of MY SYSTEM

March 27, 2014

Modern writers seem to like to bash one of my “star chess books” called MY SYSTEM from which I learned a great deal in understanding that chess was a mirror of individual imagination with lots of creative energies laced within its many lesson briefs telling stories that helped me to retain and learn from the great maestro  and imparted to his fan club.  These modern chess analysts attempt to say that the book taught nothing constructive for the student. Hogwash I say and doubly hogwash.  These so-called experts do not deserve the reporting that recently has found voice in the magazine NEW IN CHESS coming out of the Book Review Section.  The book along with THE GAME OF CHESS by Tarrasch and a less known volume by Mason contributed greatly as others have to the richness of the chess struggle.

Such criticism was not voiced merely in modern times but so too in the days of Aron Nimzovitch’s penning detractors.  Consequently he penned a type of humorous rebuttal to these detractors with the following:

White:  Aron Nimzovitch   vs. Black Sistemsson

Copenhagen, 1927

French Defense  (notes by me) (edited by Kindred)

(It must have been a joyful rebuttal to critics of MY SYSTEM that he penned this to further illustrate the comedy that he was capable of masterminding.  It reminds me of what Mark Twain might have concocted.  For those who cannot find enjoyment in  the casting of barbs at the chessworld , in Nimzovitch’s mind it was execution for suffering the worst forms of ridicule short of issuing duel challenges in defense of his writings.  Of course he might be chastised today especially for his critique of the teacher and doctor, S. Tarrasch’s widely read and respected treatise.–Don). 

1. P-K4  P-K3  2. P-KR4!!

My very oldest and latest thought in this opening!  To the chess addict nurtured on spineless convention, this move comes as a punch in the face–but calmly, calmly, readers; after all, you cannot be expected to understand such moves. (Forgive me–it is not your fault, until now no one has opened your eyes and ears.)  Wait just a little while and there will pass before you a miracle of overprotection of more than earthly beauty. I assume you are familiar with my theory of overprotection.

2. … P-Q4  3. P-K5!

A move of elemental delicacy. Wherein lies its beauty?  It is strong because it is weak. Since it dashes forward it will require additional protection wherein comes my theory of overprotection which in MY SYSTEM is practically equivalent to victory.

3. … P-QB4  4.  P-Q4

Here it is quite clear that it is more profitable for White to provoke …P-QB4  and then play P-Q4, because now White attacks the BP instead of Black attacking the QP.

4. …  P:P  5. P-R5 !

All very clever, original, and decisive.  Of course the ordinary run of people who envy me  every spark of my genius but cannot follow my line of reasoning for even three paces, outdo themselves in sneering at me with the poison-dripping epithet “bizarre”. The text move creates confusion in the whole Black army and prepares for the annihilating invasion by the Queen 18 moves later.

5. …  Q-N3

Naturally not 5. …N-QB3  because of 6. B-QN5.  Why should Black play the French only to allow the Ruy Lopez bishop move after all?

6.  P-R6!

An avaricious dullard would never hit on this deeply considered pawn sacrifice.

6. … N:P  7. Q-R5!!  P-N3

Threatens to begin a successful siege of the weakling at K5 by …BN2  but White forestalled this.

8. Q-R2!!

To every fair-minded observer this move must come as a revelation.  All the previous maneuvers now become clear!  White has completed his development brilliantly and proceeds to overprotect K5..  Against this, Black is helpless.

8. …. N-B4  9. B-Q3

Note the splendid cooperation of White’s forces: while the King Pawn and the King Bishop completely blockade Black’s position, the development of the overprotective forces takes place behind the broad backs of these sturdy blockaders.

9. …  N-B3  10. N-KB3

As a rule this is a routine move.  But here it is strikingly original and as such occupies a place in the storehouse of my intellectual property.

10. … P-KR4  11. P-QN3  B-N2  12. B-KB4!!

How bitterly disappointed he must have been to realize that P-N3 was merely a trap to entice B-KN2 instead of B-K2.  The position of the diagonal Bishop is not important now.

12. … B-Q2  13. QN-Q2  QR-B1  14. K-K2!!

An extraordinarily deep move.  He sees through the Black plans, and in addition prepares a particularly powerful continuation of his overprotection strategy.

14. … N-N5  15. N-K1!!

This was the point of his previous move to attack the Bishop on Q3. Now White can recapture with the Knight while KB3 becomes available for the other Knight. Surely, this is a grandiose piece of strategy. The fact is that I’m a marvelous player even if, all the while, the chess world bursts with envy.

15. … N:B  16. N:N!  R:P  17. QR-K1 !!

I continue the art of overprotection without much ado.

17. … P-R4  18.  K-Q1  R-B3!!

At last Black gets the right idea to protect the K3 Pawn, but it is comes too late.

19. R-K2  K-K2

Using the King in active defense and introduced into tournament play by me.

20. KR-K1  R-K1 !  21. N-B3!

Completing the overprotection of K5 and thus deciding the fate of the game.  Black has no defense. Note the aesthetic effect created.

21. … B-KB1

His threat is the overprotection of his K3 square by N-N2.  But I had prepared a brilliant combination.

22. P-KN4!!  P:P  23. Q-R7!!

Now you come to see the masterly understanding of the position which went into my eighth move (Q-R2).

23. … P:N  24. B-N5 checkmate!!

One of my best games!  I am proud of it if only because Herr Sistemisson is one of the strongest Scandinavian players.  The game made an overwhelming impression on the players and spectators as well as on my opponent.  The game has become famous in Denmark as “the immortal overprotective game!”

(Certainly this flurry of !! points was meant to bite the nose of MY SYSTEM critics.–Don).

Postscript:  When Antoaneta Stefanova (2549) NIC MAGAZINE #4-2009 PG 106 was asked, “Is there a chess book that had a profound influence on you?”  She answered: MY SYSTEM by Aaron Nimzowitsch.


Kindred’s Special: Gambling in the Petroff/Russian Defense Leads to Burn

March 25, 2014

The modern master sometimes attempts to build up pressure play by avoiding castling which is a neutralizing play that safeguards the King.  This example from Poikovsky 2009 shows Emil Sutovsky (White) giving a lesson to Ernesto Inarkiev why early King castling provides a safety net and cannot be lightly ignored.

1. e4  e5  2. Nf3  Nf6  3. N:e5  d6  4. Nf3  N:e4  5. d4  d5  6. Bd3  Nc6  7.  O-O  Be7  8. Re1  Bg4  9. c4  Nf6  10. Nc3  N:d4  11. c:d4  B:f3  12. g:f3

Akopian -Gelfeld went 12. Qa4 check c6 13. Q:d4  B:d5  14. N:d5  Q:d5  15. Qb4  O-O 16. B:h7 check  K:h7  17. R:e7

12. …c5  13. d6!

Sharper than 13. d:c6  N:c6 14. Bb5  O-O  which is tame.

13. … Q:d6 14.  Nb5  Qd7  15. N:d4  c:d4  16. Qe2  Kf8

Suggested as better and giving White a micro-edge is 16…Qe6.

17. Bb5  Qd8

Black refuses to give up his material gain of a pawn.  Greed can be poison to a spirit. Again, 17…Qe6 was better.

18. Qd3 ( > Qb3 threat increases square count as the Rook is now loosed on the e-file.)  h5  19. Bg5  Qd5  20. f4!  Bd8??

Suddenly all the squares available for the Queen should it be attacked are occupied or under the White guns.  All White has to do is harass the Queen and she will have no place to hide.

21.  Re5!  Black resigns  (1-0).

Catching the Queen in the center is a rare, rare, rare occurrence!!


Kindred’s Special: Kindred Talks Chess Instruction

March 22, 2014

There are many chess books in a variety of languages that pertain to teaching chess.  They convey to readers the accepted lingo that fills all of them:  DIAGRAMS ARE PRESENTED WHICH ARE TWO OR THREE MOVERS THAT EITHER RESULT IN CHECKMATE OR WIN OF MATERIAL FOR ADVANTAGE.  This has carried over into computer chess where the enthusiast is charmed by like fashion.  The whole concept is aimed at entertainment.  Nothing wrong with that.  But is it a valid way to spur the juices of learning or merely present a roadblock of instantaneous success of a moment in time?  It has value in honing tactical skill and recognition of position types where such attacking formations are present or can by jump moves achieve them.  This is dual as both players eyeing plans must learn to recognize position types that might arise during a battle.

Chess is a non-forgiving struggle where it represents a victory, loss or draw.  Simple as this remark is I have tried through use of my suggestions to plan from move one, short range plans arising from pawn structures and jump moves aiming at spatial imbalance of which my theory of square count I’ve recounted many times has been beneficial both in strategy and tactics toward aggressive or defensive motifs.  It has been my munificent contribution toward hopefully adding enjoyment in the lives of my readers.

My approach varies from instruction that advocates a rigid examination of position types with questions that the novice has limited wisdom until further along in study, training and practice.  Many things factor into chess skill and for the novice as well as the advanced student I have laid down my thoughts on the general conduct of chess play.  My annotations and comments about the games examined are aimed at education, of seeking from you a sense of general understanding of the strategy and tactics effecting both attack and defense for the amateur.

The opening affects the middle game strategy and so does visualizing the endgame pawn structure during middle game play.  Perhaps the one word that describes the whole is the creation of imbalanced positions where strategy and tactics mount the many terrors on the board.  Because this whole gives the amateur novice and higher class player differing degrees that cause the scratching of heads to say: What is this guy talking about?

With these thoughts set aside, it is important to get chess literature that covers instruction in endgame, middle game position play and opening strategies.  I have given you many examples of various openings that give you an overview of chess play and types of positions that result.  It should give you enjoyment to play with friends and family.

Lets tune in to Havana, Cuba for a combo of chess delights.

1. e4  c5  2. Nf3  e6  3. d4  c:d4  4. N:d4  Nc6  5. Nc3  Qc7  6. Be3  a6  7. Qd2  Nf6  8. O-O-O  Be7  9. f3  h5

Castling O-O may have worried Black seeing a potential K-wing pawn roll up. The idea is to half-open the h-file.  The g5 square is now ceded to White.

10. Bg5  d6  11. h4  Bd7  12. f4  b5

White has a big edge in square count and dominates the large rectangular structure along the 5th rank to the lst.  White senses he has the strong attack with only the Bishop to be developed.  He does so by sacrificing it and eliminating the Q-side pawn structure while gaining time on the field of battle due to the King still sitting at home.  Note the battle ram on the d-file. Still, the move presents the problem question that all sacrifices face.  Is it sound?  Lets see how things develop.

13. B:b5!  a:b5  14. N/d:b5  Qb8  15. N:d6+ B:d6  16. Q:d6  Q:d6  17. R:d6 Na7  18. a4 Nc8  19. Rd4  Ng4  20. Rhd1  Ra7

Black’s only other move is 20…Nb6!?  Have fun determining Black’s defensive resources.

21. Nb5 Rb7  22. R:d7!  and wins.  22….R:d7  23. Nc7 check R:c7  24. Rd8 mate; 23. …. Kf8 24. R:d7 with the 3-pawn Q-side superior pawn structure will win for White.  White’s bravery paid off.  With the time clock running, it is often the case that the attack prevails over defense.

Well, time to put the men in the box.  Adios for now.







Kindred’s Special: Biblical Teachings Help Bond the Meaning of Love

March 18, 2014

Did you ever find yourself in the melting pot of life, of being around people who offer no optimism for fulfillment in your daily life?  And then you turn around and see perhaps no more than friends and family if lucky saying just the right words or thoughts or biblical teachings that inspire you to new confidence and meaning in your existence on this beautiful Earth?

Atheists do not believe in a Heavenly Father or in biblical teachings.  But if you are or know someone who professes being an atheist or even an agnostic  readings from the bible will never deter such belief.  But there are a couple instructions among many that altered my own life:

Love God first, in all circumstances and to have a loving understanding of people just as you love yourself.

Jesus was asked in Matthew 22:36-40, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”  I could ask you to look it up in the bible but I’ll save you the effort.  Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.  All the Law and Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

The Word provides us the fundamental values for successful living.  Jesus has bestowed upon us gifts of righteousness and eternal life through his own death on the Cross by taking the sin cast in Eden by Satan on humans and bore it alone.  This very happening was God’s fulfillment for obedience, trust, and everlasting faith in knowing the Son, the Father and the Holy Ghost as the salvation for all those who believe or come to believe.  It is the true bond of salvation given freely through prayer.

There is in holy scripture warnings about deceivers who present themselves in sheep clothing but are in fact raging wolves. If you really seek Him and want to know truth, you have to go to the source–the Bible; study it and memorize passages that give you strength in your daily lives for successful rebuke of temptations or jabs by the pitch fork.  Classes on bible study in a group can be beneficial.

Sometimes I find myself wondering what purpose I had in being; I was born in a loving family with brothers and a sister–all who doted on me being the youngest.  Sunday school where I briefly attended taught me a great truth: I am a child of God because I believe in Christ Jesus as described in Galatians 3:26: You are all God’s children by believing in Christ Jesus.

But I was born not of God but of human parents and I was confused in belief that I was really born in the devil’s kingdom and the lessons learned from mom and dad taught me that through baptism I was a child of God and that God’s plan of salvation conquering sin was the death of his only Son Jesus on the Cross.  Faith clings to scripture and never lies which is the battle armor Christians have in defeating the devil Satan.

Regardless how decent folks are, there is the lesson to be learned from Joseph who was cast into prison and his reputation tarnished because of lies often compounded by pure hatred to get revenge.  Goodness is often tossed out the window when public outcry raises its ugly head.  It is seen in every walk of life, in every position and relationship as was the case of Joseph in Genesis.  It is faith not in law but in Christ Jesus that we are saved.

Let not personal ambition and greed rule or dominate thinking or values.  Psalm 26:2 Examine me Lord and test me. Look closely into my heart and mind.

Remember the morning rise to pray, to thank the Lord for another day, for people we meet and things enjoyed at work and play. The Lord is our ever present companion whose spirit uplifts us in both good and bad times. Let the joy of my website give you reason for cheer and good thoughts.  Amen.






Kindred’s Special: Canada’s First Grandmaster–Abe Yanofsky

March 15, 2014

I spoke earlier of Bernard Freeman and his assistance in aiding the Anderson family.  He deserves of course a more comprehensive personal achievement in organization work as the catalyst that enriched Canadian chess.  I would like to restructure somewhat this national honor to suggest that he was a banner institution to the advancement of North American chess as he had on numerous occasions achieved a communion and respect of the United States chess organizers with whom he was associated through the junior chess programs of both countries.

Abe Yanofsky’s mentor was Bernard Freeman.  He found the young lad of eight while stopping off to see if any problems needed attention concerning the 1933  Dominion Chess Tournament held in Winnipeg.  He gave Abie a chess book.  Three years later he again visited Winnipeg and was impressed with the level of skill achieved by Abie and made arrangements for the youngster to come to Toronto to play in what was later termed Canadian Amateur Championship.  The twelve-year old won both the junior and the major tournaments.  At the age sixteen Abe Yanofsky won what was to be a string of Canadian Championships.

The 1939 Olympiad was being held in Buenos Aires and Freeman gave his place to 15-year old Abe Yanofsky so he could sharpen his talent.  Abe did not disappoint scoring 84.4 % winning the 2nd board prize.

The CFC provided funds so Abe could play in the famous 1946 Groningen tournament.  In the 15th round he met and defeated Mikhail Botvinnik and the Dutch spectators were so taken with Yanofsky that they carried him shoulder high through the hall.

Major Championship of Canada

Toronto 1937

White:  S. Gray   vs.  Black:  Abe Yanofsky  (age 12)

Opening:  French Defense

1. e4   e6  2. d4  d5  3. Nc3  Bb4  4. Bd2  B:c3  5. B:c3  d:e4  6. Qe2  Nf6  7. O-O-O

I have mentioned in earlier articles about the pro and con of castling Q-side as it relates to the exposure of the King still in the central complex (c1-f1) and exposed to Queenside operations spearheaded by pawns.  See now how master Yanofsky  thinks tempi.  By move 12 he has cemented his positional chances and formulated an attack plan on the enemy King. Think square count!

7. … b6  8. f3  Ba6  9. Qe3  B:f1  10. R:f1  e:f3  11. N:f3  O-O  12. Rd1  a5!  13. h4  Nc6  14. a3  b5  15. h5  b4  16. Bd2  b:a3  17. Q:a3  Ne4  18. Qe3  N:d2  19. Q:d2  a4  20. Qe3  Qd6  21. h6  g6  22. Ne5  a3  23. b:a3  R:a3  24. Qe4  Qb4  25. c3  Q:c3 check (0-1).

1946 Groningen Tournament

White:  Abe Yanofsky   vs.  Black:  Mikhail Botvinnik

Opening:  Ruy Lopez – Morphy Defense (a6)

1. e4  e5  2. Nf3  Nc6  3. Bb5  a6  4. Ba4  Nf6  5.  O-O  Be7  6.  Re1  b5  7. Bb3  d6  8. c3  O-O  9. h3  Na5  10. Bc2  c5  11. d4  Qc7 12. Nbd2  c:d4  13. c:d4  Nc6  14. d5

This was the stock answer and later on efforts were made to find alternative ideas by keeping the center fluid for the time being. For example, 14. Nb3 a5  15. Be3  a4  16. Nbd2  Nb4 17. Bb1  Bd7  18. a3  Na6  19. Bd3 was one alternative plan.

14. … Nb4  15. Bb1  a5  16. Nf1  Bd7  17. Bd2?!

A suggestion of jump moves 17. a3 > b3 > Ra2 might be an interesting idea. Botvinnik now hits upon a good plan that gives him good winning chances when the young Canadian missteps.

17. … Rfc8!  18. B:b4?  a:b4  19. Bd3  Bd8!  20. Qd2  Qa5  21. Ne3  b3  22. a3  Qa4  23. Nd1!  b4  24. Ne3 b:a3  25. R:a3  N:e4 !  26. Qd1

Avoiding  another blunder by 26. R:a4  N:d2  27. R:a8  N:f3 check  28. g:f3  R:a8 with a clear winning position.

26. … Qb4  27. R:b3  Qa4  28. Bc2  Nc5 29. Rc3 Qb4  30. Qb1  g6  31. Rc4  Qb7  32. b4  Na6?!

Yanofsky suggests 32. …Na4 with the idea of strengthening the position of his pieces, enabling the two Bishops to work together. Such differences do squares make in piece placement.

33. R:c8  R:c8  34. Bd3

Increasing square count and planning  Re2 if he swipes the b-pawn. Botvinnik makes a rare miscalculation.  He has the Bishop-pair

34. …  N:b4?  35. Re2

White’s target is Rb2, winning the Knight.  Perhaps now is the time to return the pawn by 35. …e4!!

35. … Ba5?

This potent looking move idea is wrong.

36. Rb2  Rb8   37. Nd2  Qa7  38. Ndc4  Qc5  39. N:a5

The loss of this Bishop will have an impact on future play. White now gains the Exchange.

39. … Q:a5  40. Nc2  N:d3  41. R:b8 check  Kg7  42. Ne3  Qd2  43. Qf1  Nc5  44. Qd1  Qc3  45. Rb6  Ba4  46. Qf3  Qe1 check  47. Kh2  48. R:d6

Also good for White is 48. N:f5 check g:f5  49. Qg3 check  Kf7  50. Qh4!

48. … f4  49. Nf5 check  Kf7  50. Qg4  Ne4  51. Qh4  g:f5  52. Q:h7 check  Ke8  53. Qg8 check  Resigns. It is mate in four.

There are chess organizers, devotees to the game in like or differing ways that make the game of chess the pastime it is.  It is the love of sharing, of giving to others, the joy and more–the chance to raise the bar and give of themselves so that chess finds many years to come as it has found this golden age in North America.

The elite chess professional and amateur devotees and/or being in the art of problem composition, writers, organizers from clubs or national representatives in those fields help to give life to the art of chess.   There is a need to review the past as we observe the present and look to the future and due honor to those who make possible it’s discovery by old and young alike.





Kindred’s Special: Gata Kamsky and Ben Dean-Kawamura share top in Marchand Open

March 14, 2014

Once again the 2014 Marchand Open held over the weekend of March 8-9 exceeded 160 players.  The open section attracted five Grandmasters to participate in this annual 5-round FIDE-USCF tournament:  Gata Kamsky (4.5)  2778-2781, Alexsandr Lenderman (4-1) 2693-2696, Alexander Ivanov (4-1)  2590-2578,  Mark Paragua (4-1)  2657-2655, Mikheil Kekelidze (3-2) 2594-2580. (These ratings are not official but the statistics obtained from the Rochester Chess Center report.  Since the introduction of FIDE points, the attraction of GMs to our city and premiere event has drawn a growing number of chess stars to Rochester.

Grandmaster Gata Kamsky has been a major player in the world of chess.  He defeated in order, Jacob Chen (1945), Abraham Glasser (2138), Matt Parry (2283), GM Mikheil Kekelidze (2594), and drew with GM Aleksandr Lenderman (2693) to capture lst place on tie-break.

Surprise of the open was that by our local junior Ben Dean-Kawamura (4.5) equaling and catching GM Kamsky in the final round by defeating GM Kekelidze(3-2).  He won from Fred Harris (1.5), drew with Ken Frieden (3.5),won from Walter DeJong (2.5), David Petty (2.5), gathering his 4.5 total to share the $3300 prize with Kamsky, each earning $1650.

Third through fifth split $1400 ($340 each achieved by GM Lenderman, GM Paragua, GM Ivanov, locals Igor Nikolayev (2414) and Matt J. Parry (2283).

Under 2200 Prize Fund $800: lst $500 by Tae Kim (2101); $300 ($75 each) (3.5) Ken Frieden (2032), Stephen Dygert (2130), Anna Levina (2110), and Nick Panico III (2175).

Under 2000 Prize Fund $800: split $400: Daniel Johnston (1796)  and Lev Paciorkowski (1995)

Lower section cash prizes I was unable to gather for this report.

I took a couple snapshots and the only score sheet I got was in algebraic notation and unreadable.

The playing area was quiet and excellent for tournament play.  There were a couple rooms devoted to lower sections during play and analysis.  Blitz chess was commonly seen in free areas and on the floor in hallways.  The kids especially had a great time meeting new friends and sharing their chess skills.