Archive for June, 2013

KindredSpirit’s Kaleidoscope: 1964 Chess Olympiad cont’d

June 30, 2013

While Pal Benko created his own combination that turned sour, this game sees Saidy walking into a combo out of an inferior position.

White:   Paul Keres                  vs.   Black:   Dr. Anthony Saidy        Opening:   King’s Indian Defense

1.  P-Q4   N-KB3 /  2.  N-KB3   P-KN3 /   3.  B-N5

Having both experience and age as a factor, GM Keres elects to take his opponent out of normal KID variations, playing an offbeat line that, while a bit less ambitious, find both sides faced with board play that may not have been investigated too much (if at all) when preparing for this match.

3. … B-N2 /  4.  QN-Q2   P-Q3 /   5.  P-B3   O-O  /  6.  P-K3  P-N3 ? /

This does not sit well with my own thoughts on square count chess.  Why this timid move?  Black could and should have developed by …QN-Q2 with the aim P-K4 with the purpose of getting a share of the central complex.

7. B-Q3  P-B4  /  8.  P-QN4!

Keres deviates from past theory deciding to attack on the Q-wing instead of pursuing action directly aimed at the K-side.  White is seeking active play and tries to steer the game in a new direction.

8. … P x NP  /  9.  P x P   N-B3 /  10.  P-QR3   B-N2 /   11. O-O   Q-Q2  /  12. Q-K2   KR-B1 /  13.  QR-B1   N-Q1 ? /

Does this play deserve a ? mark?  For students who follow my square count theory should take time to study this position carefully.  Remember that the idea of square count is both used as an aggressive play as well as a defensive play to keep out enemy forces. Regardless the outcome which is hard to guess right now, would not 13. … P-QR3 provide defense from inroads on the Queen-side?   Of course this is a move simply based upon it. It is an interesting thought.  The count after move 14.  B-N5 stands 11/5 in White’s plus.  Once again, the pin is a mighty tactical weapon.  Pins often make Exchange sacrifices possible.

14.  B-N5  B-B3  /   15.  R x B!   N x R  /  16.  B x N   B x B   17. P-Q5 !

When White gets this pawn push in, it seems like it forebodes  ill spirits in the game.

17.  … Q-B4 /  18.  B x N   QR-N1 /  19.  P-K4   Q-B5 /  20. P-N3   Q-R3 /  21. N-B4  Q-R4  / 22. K-N2  R-B2  /  23. P-R3  Q-R3 /  24. P-QR4  B-R1 / 25. R-QN1  Q-N2  /  26. N-R3  P-K3  /  27. N-N5   R-K2  /  28. R-Q1  R-Q1  / 29. P x P   P x P  / 30. N x QP  Resigns.  (1-0).

KindredSpirit’s Kaleidoscope: USSR vs USA 1964 Chess Olympiad (cont’d)

June 29, 2013

White:  Pal  Benko           vs.     Black:  Vassily Smyslov         Opening: Sicilian Reversed

1. P-QB4  P-K4  /  2.  N-QB3   N-KB3  /  3.  N-B3   N-B3  /  4.  P-Q3   P-Q3  / 5.  P-KN3  P-KN3  /  6. B-N2   B-N2 /  7. R-QN1  O-O  / 8. O-O  N-Q5/

This sets an opening problem already for White.  Benko is faced with different choices to exchange or play 9. P-K3  or 9. P-QN4.  Black has one thought to play …P-QB3 probably.  How this gives rise to uncertainties is unclear.  But Benko exchanges which may not be the best choice of the three.  Was such a position examined at home?  That question can play nasty tricks.

9. N x N   P x N  /  10.  N-N5    N-N5 ! /  11.  P-KR3   P-QR3 !!

Benko is faced with hard knock decisions so early in the game bodes well for Black.  On 12.  P x N   P  x N,  13.  P x P   Q-Q2  or, 13. P-N5   P x P,  14. P x P B-B4 ,  15.  R-R1   Q-B2  and Black is happy.

12.  N-R3  N-R3  /  13.  N-B2   N-B4  /  14.  P-QN4  P-QB3  / 15.  P-QR4  R-K1  /  16. R-K1  B-K3

Black has outplayed his opponent and has a strong position going into the middle game.  Now, maybe best is 17. P-K4  P x P e. p.  18.  B x KP. The move he chooses looks interesting but lacks punch.

17.  P-N5   RP x P  /  18.  RP x P   Q-Q2  /  19.  P  x P   P x P  /  20.  N-N4   N-K2 / 21. K-R2  R-R4

White now chooses the plan better executed at move 17.

22.  P-K4  P x P e. p. /   23.  B x KP  P-QB4 /  24. N-B2  R-R7  / 25. B-Q2  P-Q4  /  26. P x P   N x P  /  27. R-K2   Q-R5 /  28. Q-K1

White sees a combination coming up but it is flawed; Smyslov correctly sizes up the resulting position.

28. … R x N /  29.  B x N   R x B!

Benko either missed this or miscalculated the resulting position.

30. Q x R    B x B  /  31.  Q-B4

Benko’s  point to his combination.

31.  …  B-QB3!!

This turns the tables on White.  Black will have the Bishop-pair against the Rook.

32. R x R ch   B x R  /  33.  R-N8  Q-B3! /  34. Q-K3   K-B1 /  35.  R-Q8  B-Q5 /  36. Q-R6 ch  K-K2 /  37.  R-R8

White resigned without waiting for Black’s reply.

This must have been a disappointment for both Pal Benko and the USA team.  Where there is heartache in chess, there is celebration and relief to the winner Smyslov and company.


KindredSpirit’s Kaleidoscope: USSR vs USA 1964 Chess Olympiad

June 28, 2013


White:  Petrosyan       vs.   Black:  Reshevsky   Opening:  King’s Indian Defense

1.  P-Q4   N-KB3 /  2.  P-QB4  P-KN3 /   3. N-QB3  B-N2 /  4. P-K4  P-Q3  /  5.  P-B3  O-O  /  6. B-K3  P-B3  /  7. B-Q3  P-K4  /  8. P-Q5  PxP /

9.  BPxP  N-R3 / 10. KN-K2  B-Q2 /  11. O-O

Petrosyan has steered the game into a quiet variation rejecting 7. Q-Q2 and 8. O-O-O which is more dynamic in nature.

11. …  N-QB4 /  12. B-QB2

With this move he sidesteps a possible plan of 12. BxN  PxB.  While pawns are doubled and White has a passed pawn at Q5,  both players likely viewed the pro and con to be in Black’s favor due to White having traded his good Bishop and is left with the bad Bishop.  Besides, the Knight can retreat to K1 aiming for Q3 which is the ideal square for the defending Knight.  Black can then concentrate on the Q-side for active play.

12. … P-QR4/  13. P-QR3  Q-N3?

I think this move has to be questioned  and I would prefer here, 13…P-QN4 >(N-R3) with the Q-side pawn activity that builds on square count.  The “Tiger” cannot be treated to such indifference because he will surely sink his claws into poor judgment planning.  This shows the somewhat amateur nature of the whole American team who cannot be faulted due to not meeting the strongest players on a fairly regular basis.

14. K-R1  KR-B1 /  15. R-N1  Q-R3 / 16. P-QR4  Q-N3 / 17. N-B1  Q-Q1 / 18. B-Q3  N-K1

So the Queen has toured the Q-side with little effect other than having the KR transferred to the Q-side.  The loss of tempi gives White considerably more pull than before the wasted Queen sortie by Black where the Knight maneuver was a solidly laid planned action moving into Q3.  Here, Black had the option of grabbing the Bishop and improving the eventual scope of his K-Bishop.  Now, the World Champion makes use of my theory by…..

19. B-QN5  BxB /  20. NxB

Here the importance of planning strategy comes into sharp focus.  Black has lost use of his valuable QB in the exchange and likely Reshevsky realizes he is being outplayed by the World Champion. This can prove disheartening not only to the player but also the other team members.

20. … N-B2/  21. N-R3  N/2-R3  / 22. N-Q3  B-B3  /  23. NxN  NxN

Black is left with the “bad bishop” so recapturing with the Pawn would be a significant error. He cannot block the passed QP easily by N-Q3 anytime soon.  Because he failed to get in P-QN4 as I noted earlier, his Q-side majority is thus crippled by this lagging behind of the QNP.

24. N-N5  R-R3 / 25. R-R1  B-N4 / 26. B-N1!

White avoids exchanging Black’s bad Bishop and somewhat freeing up the troubles of the defense.

26. … Q-Q2 / 27. R-R3

White’s Rook now takes up the 3rd rank where it can swing to the other side or keep pressure on the Q-side.

27. … R/3-R1 / 28. R-QB3  P-N3  29. Q-B2  R-B1  30. R-N1  P-B4  31.  PxP   RxP /  32. R-B4  R/4-B1 / 33. N-B3  QR-B1  /  34. R-K1  Q-QN2 / 35. P-R3  Q-Q2 /  36. N-K4  B-K2 / 37. R-QB1  R-R1  / 38. K-R2  Q-N2  /  39. Q-Q1  Q-Q2 / 40. B-K3  R-R2 / 41. B-R6  R-K1 / 42. R/1-B3  R-N1  / 43. Q-B2  R-K1 / 44. B-K3  K-N2  / 45. P-QN4!

This sharp strike with square count thoughts to me is what White played patiently to achieve. Big things do not always come in small packages.  His pieces take on considerable power and pressure puts stress on the Black defense.

45. … PxP /  46. RxP   B-Q1 /  47. R/3-B4  P-R4   ADJOURNMENT

48. R-N5  R-B1  /  49. B-B1  R-R3 /  50. Q-Q2  R-N1  /  51. P-B4!

This is a typical German “Koenigsangriff.”–the start of a winning attack.

51. … NxN  / 52. RxN   B-B3 /  53. PxP   BxP ch  /

Simply delightful. Black’s freed Bishop now overtakes square count w/9-b/11.

54.  Rx B!!

The bad Bishop no longer could be bad and White might  say, “He go away.”

54. …  PxR  /  55. P-Q6

“The lust of a passed Pawn to expand.” — Aron Nimzowitsch in My System.

55…. R-R4  / 56.  RxNP   RxP /  57. Q-Q5  Centralization of the Queen is another mobile axiom power to the Queen!

57. … R-R2  /  58. QxPch   K-R2  /  59. Q-KN5  R-KB1  /  60. Q-R6ch  K-N1 / 61. QxPch   Q-KN2  /62. QxP  Q-Q5  /  63. Q-N6ch  R-KN2  / 64. Q-K6ch  K-R2 /  65. Q-R6ch  K-N1 /  66. Q-K6ch  K-R2 /  67. B-K3  Q-KR5 /  68. Q-K5  R-K1 /  69. Q-B5ch  K-N1 /  70. B-B2  Q-QB5  / 71. R-N2  Q-B3 / 72.B-B5  R-KB2  / 73. Q-N4ch  R-KN2  74. Q-B4ch  Resigns.

At the time this event took place, players were using English Descriptive Notation.  It is good to become familiar with other forms of notation.  The algebraic notation came into being after years of debate, especially among editors and problem designers.  It saved on time, expense for hard type,  and space.  It was a big deal for Americans who liked and preferred the capital letters.  Just about everyone used English Descriptive or descriptive in their own national language.  Several copies of books sent to me from my Russian opponents while editor were in Russian script.

Note the spelling of Petrosyan.  Various listings spell it Petrosian.  The same with the name Tal which early writings show his name as Tahl.



KindredSpirit’s Kaleidoscope: Just What is Chess?

June 22, 2013

What is chess?  Is it sport?  Is it art?  Is it science?  These questions often are seen as a simple sentence or question: “Is this board game a science, an art, or a sport?”  More affirmatively put:  “Chess is a science, an art, and a sport.”  Lets see what some famous players had to say on the topic under discussion.  My reader comments are welcome!

GM Dr. Max  Euwe  comments:

“Emmanuel Lasker used to say that chess is a struggle.  I fully agree with him.  Lasker believed, and I think he was right, that the struggle on the 64-squares, the sport over the chess board, can be studied and advanced on a scientific basis.

“The aesthetic side, in my opinion, takes place mostly in chess studies.  Individual games in tournaments may also be considered from the point of view of aesthetics, but one gets an opportunity not too often.  I think it is impossible to consider every position from the point of view as art.

“The main object of a chess game remains the achievement of victory.  This determines it as a sport.  If any person were to make a weak move with the sole object of setting up a beautiful position, anyone would tell you that this is a bad move.”

GM Mikhail Botvinnik comments:

“My point of view boils down to the following: chess, first of all, is a game.  But if any succeed in producing  a game that keeps on living and is played over and over again for many years, chess becomes an art.

“I do not consider chess a science.  But it also has an element of science in it without which it is impossible to play chess really well.  However, this element plays after all, only a secondary role.”

GM Vassily Smyslov comments:

“I consider chess an art.  My father was a musician and a strong chess player.   He was extremely proud when he once managed to win against Alekhine. He taught me to play chess at the age of seven.  I grew up in an atmosphere filled with music and chess.  And to this very day of my life is dedicated to both of these forms of art.”

GM Mikhail Tal comments:

“Chess first of all is art.  How else can its tremendous force of attraction be explained?  Why is it that millions of people from many countries play with thousands attending tournaments and untold number analyze and play over such games and its theories?  The only explanation, as I see it, is the colossal aesthetic influence that this game exerts.”

The aesthetic beauty of chess certainly can be seen in many of the beautiful chess sets and boards, especially those in museums. Some comments by the four GMs from my view were garbled in the translations.  But the richness of aesthetic beauty rests more in the position whether it be from games, studies or problems, concocted to charm the viewers who come across them in finding the perfect art of composing a worthy challenge. In some comments the question went off track and missed the mark.  But to me, chess is art and Tal’s comments come close to my own views.   Art in chess extends into creativity which none of the GMs used to explain the art of chess. Take the brilliant concepts in attack or clever defense. This is pure creativity at its best.  The sport aspect is clearer still.  The ignorance of the Olympiad committee who possess no understanding of what makes a sport is dumbfounding in this age of history .  To them, and to many others in the physical sport agenda, there is no physical endurance because basically they see it as two players seated at a board in virtual no motion. They obviously never saw the pressure on the psychic experienced with using the time clock.  It took Bobby Fischer to challenge this by saying that a chess player in a tournament game or any serious play uses as much physical energy as a boxer in three rounds of slugging it out.  In all honesty, can anyone say that it is not a sport?  Sport aims at winners. The chess tournament and match structure fit like a glove with all physical sporting events because, in each case, the idea is to produce a champion, a first place where players exert enormous stress during such competitions.  In conclusion, I might suggest that the symbolic power of the pieces that sit on the sixty-four squares display on the chess board great power in skillful hands.

Kindred’s Special: Treatment is Responsive to Chess Play

June 22, 2013

The theme of a 1962 address by Dr. Bernard Locke, Chief of Psychology Service at the New York City Veterans Administration Hospital, in which the therapeutic value of chess was illustrated by a remarkable case history.  This was reported in the magazine, CHESS REVIEW, 1962.

One of Dr. Locke’s patients had experienced severe brain damage depriving him of his vocabulary and plunged him into a hopeless despondency.  He was saved from this prospect when Dr. Locke learned that his patient had been fond of chess play as a college student.  So effective was this and subsequent treatment using chess  as tool in the therapy that Dr. Locke was able to bring about a dramatic and complete recovery.

Aware of the good work being done at the Veterans Administration, Mrs. Carolyn Marshall, the wife of the former US Champion and Grandmaster, Frank Marshall, serving chess as the Secretary of the Marshall Chess Club of New York, donated copies of CHESS REVIEW which Dr. Locke had acknowledged with the comment that many VA patients “find chess an excellent release from the boredom, tension and anxiety of prolonged hospitalization.”

In the future Mrs. Marshall contributed chess sets and boards to the VA while volunteering chess players helped raise spirits and provided good work in such a worthy cause.

Kindred’s Special: ON THE OPENING by Donald P. Reithel

June 17, 2013

There is no real substitute for collecting for review as many games of a particular opening you want to play yourself from either side.  One of my correspondents years ago asked, “I play the Pirc. My question is: How do I handle the defense in the spirit of the opening after, 1. e4  d6  2. d4  Nf6  3. Bd3 that my opponent played?  In checking with MCO, the move is given with conclusion of being too committal, mentioning 3. … g6  4. Ne2  Bg7  5. O-O  O-O  6. Nd2  e5 =.

If World Champion Emmanuel Lasker’s axiom holds merit, 3. Nc3  g6  4. Nf3 is logical with good chances for both sides after 4. … Bg7 5. Be2 keeping pressure on the center while preserving square count options.

An interesting game offers a good example of a positional treatment of handling both sides.  White:  Ken Rogoff  vs.  Black:  Palacious   Opening:  Pirc Defense

1. e4  d6  2. d4  Nf6  3. Nc3  g6  4. Nf3

This move has remained popular but the Austrian Attack by  4. f4 tends to offer an aggressive approach aimed at gaining square count.

4. …Bg7  5. Be2  O-O  6. O-O  c6

6…Bg4 is a good alternative.  Both vie for good position and chances.

7. a4

Shades of Alekhine!  This prevents possible …b5 while giving White more scope on the Q-side, plus s/c.

7. …Nbd7  8. Rel  e5  9. Bf1!

This move keeps the diagonal under guard while adding Rook protection of e4 and future influence on the e-file.

9. … Re8?

Black should restrict White’s a-pawn with the idea of holding e5 by Re8 and Qc7 by gaining s/c with 9….a5! Now, he will suffer because the advanced pawn will be a thorn in his side and open up more s/c.

10. a5!  exd4  11. Nxd4  Nc5  12. f3  d5  13. e5  Nfd7 14. f4  f6  15. e6  Nf8

Black has aided the 2-time US Junior Champion by weakening  the central complex of squares.

How do you further turn the screws in Black’s coffin? When you have your opponent discouraged, smash the pawn structure to pieces!

16. f5!  gxf5  17. a6!  Nxa6  18. Bxa6  bxa6  19. Nxf5  Qb6+  20. Nd4  Rxe6  21. Be3  Re5  22. Nxf5 Qe6  23. Nxg7  Kxg7 24. Qd2  Bb7  25, Bd4  Rxe1+  26. Rxe1  Qd6  27. Rf1  Nd7  28. Ne4  Resigns. (1-0).

Kenneth Rogoff eventually went on to win the coveted title of Grandmaster and represented the USA both in international tournaments and on USA student teams.  He graduated Harvard and went to work for the World Bank as an economist, and often appears on TV news interviews.

KindredSpirit’s Kaleidoscope: NAVY SEAL. BUSINESSMAN. LEADER

June 12, 2013


In a heavily populated liberal and Democrat state, a staunchly brave Conservative is putting his hat in the ring by the name of Gabriel Gomez.  Just who is this newcomer to State politics anyway?

Gabriel Gomez was born in Los Angeles, California and the son of Colombian immigrants.  Gabriel’s parents taught him the joy and value of work, commitment, study and having a purpose in life.  That maturity led him to successfully seek an appointment to the United States Naval Academy.  Graduating with merit he began his service  by earning an invitation to flight school and quickly earned his wings serving his country as a pilot off aircraft carriers flying E2-C Hawkeyes and C2-A Greyhounds.  He pursued a transfer into the coveted Navy Seals, the elite unit where only 20% go on to complete the arduous training. He succeeded as a Navy Seal with distinction, becoming a class leader during training and a platoon commander upon completion.

During his first detachment as a SEAL platoon commander, he met and married his wife, Sarah, who was a Peace Corps volunteer as a special education teacher in the West Indies.

Gabriel Gomez is one of a very small number of Americans who have served as both a Navy aircraft carrier pilot and a Navy SEAL officer.  As a SEAL commander working overseas, he adopted the SEAL’S “team first” ethic as his own.

Leaving the Navy in 1996, he went back to school receiving his MBA from Harvard Business School and put his skills to use in the private sector.  A wealth of experience in various work assignments has made him highly qualified to be a part of the solution to many problems faced by the American people and government.

As he conducts his campaign and with support of his wife and four children, the voters will be given a voice and a choice to make for Senator from Massachusetts!  America needs men with such credentials and leadership skills. He did not let the Navy down and he will not let the People of Massachusetts down.  Think clearly about your important vote.  Keep in mind 47-year old candidate Gabriel Gomez and his achievements!

KindredSpirit’s Kaleidoscope: Biblical Thoughts to Peaceful Productivity

June 7, 2013

Seeds sprout growth in a well-attended garden.  Straight rows, well cultivated, having sufficient moisture and weeding bring a peaceful joy to a garden and it flourishes with a beauty that causes joy of heart and spirit.  How often does nature and manual effort go hand-in-hand to bring happiness and give us clues to the important lesson that paints a joyful family             relationship of the father, mother, and children?   A family is nurtured much the way a garden takes form.  When two meet, become acquainted, date, marry and find the harvest of loved offspring.  In time, it constitutes a family bond that adds to fulfillment of mixed problems and hopefully many happy joys.

Now, a garden requires care.  So does raising a family.  As I see it, too often the progressive establishment has downgraded the importance of the father.  Social liberalism has throughout our communities tended to set the family not as a loving being but one often seen as contentious.  A perfect example is Divorce.  Women and society have grown accustomed to the lie that a woman can raise a family alone without a husband and find satisfaction with shacking (sic) up with a guy who appeals to her vanity and taste.  Something is wrong with this picture concept as opposed to what should make life a joy and full of blessings.  A garden not shown love find weeds overtaking it and the beauty is lost and the produce is second-rate.

Lets examine the role of the father taken from the Bible.  A good husband above all else nurtures the love of wife and this is a strength of child happiness and peace that is seen in safety.

Bickering, open hatred feeling for one another transmit to the children a horror.  Do the children feel responsible for the breakup?  Why does mom and dad not love each other anymore? What is going to become of us?  The stark realization:  WE ARE NOT A FAMILY UNIT and being left in limbo can have a terrifying effect.

BEFORE  THIS  HAPPENS, open the Bible and read together the joy and happiness that is given about the responsibilities of the husband and wife.  It is vital that they share the joys and the miseries that befall them knowing that together they can overcome and lick the world.  Every time a Dad talks with his son and daughter, sometimes with the wife, about how things are going at school, with friends, with daily experiences, worries and problems that might seem private that only close pals understand and can be confided in, they must remember that their parents love them, that Mom has apron strings that help bind it all up in LOVE too, and are there to listen, to not be dictatorial, but to share their worries and problems.  It is the full responsibility of parents to give their children space and open arms and hugs that remind them years later what great parents they have. Discipline should always finalize with a spanking, words of hope rather than criticism.

There are many lessons from the Bible that help parents as well as children to understand and fulfill their individual roles that make for a happy family.  Be together and pray together.

Prayer of Saint Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;

where there is hatred,

let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

and where there is sadness, joy.

As Tiny Tim said and I shall conclude here with,   GOD BLESS US ALL.

KindredSpirit’s Kaleidoscope: Government Blackout

June 4, 2013

Yep!  I guess my thought that our government could not be so corrupt prompted a look beyond the obvious to search for an explanation that made sense.  I tried.  I failed.  Obama and his liberalized audience and hangers-on the news circuit with their  own agenda to bring down FOX NEWS, created havoc among conservatives so as to cloud the scandal by throwing the attention to the usual sound bites aimed at the TV audiences on all channels.  The hearings however go forward full throttle!

The World of Obama

In light for all to see,

What happens when harshness and hatred voiced–

The People get shafted right and left!

No attempt to find justification,

Reckless words find salt in the wounds.

Liberal bias has no equal.

One lie is a cut by the sword!

Two and more lies have evil intent,

And such governance lacks piety!


She cries.

She cries.

She cries.

Such are the tears to wash out SIN.

Let all sing for new Life and new Tax Plan.

The American Sales Tax Code.