Archive for December, 2022

Don’s Coffee & Tea Break cont’d…

December 31, 2022

IMPRIMIS is one of my must read publications. To keep on top of what goes on in our world both economically and socially various writers contribute to the state of not only America but the world. One of the latest is a look by Michael Rectenwald who composed WHAT IS THE GREAT RESET? In his essay he writes eloquently about ultra-modernism and discusses the pros and cons advancing this ultra-modern theory of political design by government, business and scholars. I am not going into already commentary discussions other than to say that in Schwab and Malaret address this their book.

Fairness is like a poison pen documentation noting it is akin to lowering the economic status of people in richer countries while lowering those in poorer countries. The result of WOKE to make richer countries feel guilty about their wealth which the rich look to downturn their wealth except that it is odd to see how this fits in with the wealthy flying around the world in modern private jets.

The Great Reset promised inclusion in a shared destiny and the result is like I voiced many times about international communism. It just deprives the world of real peace and justice. At least we can thank our God in Heaven who wields power by his avenging angel Michael of evil doers who face the might of our Saviour.

Don’s Coffee & Tea Break 12/27/22

December 27, 2022

Friends who think of you often do so whether or not you check in with them. Past events that seemed overwhelming at times shrink in importance as you age and times reflect differently the values you place on them. Life is like that.

Our constitutional form of government is unique in the wording of our founding Fathers and manner of government that allowed for change if needed. But the mainstay is always geared towards the will of the people that often reflects the times.

Not all in the world body embrace or practice freedoms that Americans possess as citizens and residents. Dictatorships, religious or otherwise subject their public to radical philosophies and use torture by brutal beatings of those who profess to be Christians, as does China. And for many years the Middle East has been hostile to the Jewish population and Israel.

This is not to say our continent is perfect. Drug cartels have polluted the people with poisons that ruin the health of its victims causing illness and death. Crime has dominated attention of police, FBI and other crime fighting organizations. Addicts have given huge sums of money for their addiction to these cartels. When will America wake up to smell the roses? Criminal gangs wield death and murder in Rochester, NY just as an example. Gangs are recruited from other states to battle with innocent victims as young and small children are being shot in the crossfire of crime gang wars. Where is it to end?

The answer lies with our churches, clergy, police, and mostly our citizens who must join forces of good to overcome the evil. As I said: THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE UGLY character of our citizenry must work together to destroy evil. One day, God will say enough is enough. And we might remind all involved that a book of LIFE is ever being expanded and people must think whether their name will be in the writings.

God Bless us all we might ask the Lord. Amen!

Don’s Coffee & Tea Break 12/24/22

December 24, 2022

Tomorrow is CHRISTMAS and HOPE TO ALL A BLESSING for peace in this world. It won’t happen of course unless we strive to change our spiritual life from self-interest to one of earnestness in seeking the blessings of our Heavenly Father. Thoughts now should be in prayer and joy of knowing and loving Jesus, exemplifying a joyous love over hate so often seen in all populations across the world.

Our world today is facing enormous problems both in physical and religious governance as it engulfs the native lands of nations. Greed and envy of those who rule seem commonplace; but it seems to me that God looked down on the American Revolutionary War period as God’s endeavor to endear those who founded and morally sought to honor religious faith seemingly lost through time. This is not to say that human truths of the Bible starting with Adam and Eve to current times shows the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly as I have talked about in previous writings.

The history of various religious doctrines is not free of error seen committed by Catholic Priests, Lutheran historic virtues, etc. Why? Because for all good intentions of original writings and wishes, the religious orders of different periods as humans are subject to good and poor judgments. Religious history of every religious belief is found wanting because it embodies the nature of sin. That is why Jesus was born, to live, love and die on the Cross. It was his destiny from God the Father to save the human spirit from eternal death. Remember this greatest of speech: “No one comes to the Father but by me.

Don’s Coffee & Tea Break 12/23/22

December 23, 2022

Politicians talk one thing about controlling budgets, but you know what? Many of them fly around in private jet travel combining work and pleasured vacation trips that ordinary citizens can hardly afford. As I view the liberal politics and hijinks seen over the past century, it is a blood sucking poor excuse for voting most of them back into office.

The public and even school libraries often contain books that spout political shortcomings of Americanism in today’s workbooks that kids are subjected to–that is if you want a passing grade. Take a look at what I witnessed not too many years ago when visiting Barnes & Noble bookstore. Shelves loaded with communist propaganda and none of the literature that I was familiar with growing up in my own school years. One school library I had used a lot in my grade school and high school years and shared many thoughts with both students and teachers in American and World History classes. Today you see different “isms” being praised with regularity. Nothing wrong? I guess not. But when it conflicts with our national historical records with intention to displace world history records, I find somewhat alarming. If the history of different groups is to be cherished, then updates of those tribal histories should be examined and given its rightful place in the history of tribes and other groups. That makes sense and advances the wealth of museums and research of peoples round the world and not only that of our continents discovered by world explorers.

I know I am writing on a subject that is probably not shared in an enthusiastic manner. But truth is what good quality change is all about, honoring and speaking to the betterment in the passage of time. I hope you share this goal.

December 19, 2022

Don’s Coffee & Tea Break 02/18/22

December 18, 2022

At my advanced age going into the middle age of 85 this spring I find education as essential as when I was only 3 years old being taught by my mom’s skillful tutoring. I am sure she sometimes found things she would have preferred only being 45 plus caring for my papa, two brothers and sister. As the youngest I perhaps was spoiled with attention and natural inquisitiveness. Those days from 1940 on saw conflict, hatred spewed and growing worldwide. I was born in 1938 which was the beginning of the stormy hate years of the Jewish population no matter what country they lived. Why? I could never figure the why of it even at my young age. It was the rise of NAZI Germany; it was the hatred for those of the yellow race Chinese and Japanese. But I was blessed to be totally free of the isms that developed. As I said, we lived in rentals, on two streets off Rocket Street in Rochester and then moved to Ithaca, NY where papa was employed as a photoengraver and well known among bands as an artist of several band instruments. Despite papa’s skills, were not home-owners but rented our pretty little home on which streets and properties still exist today.

Mama was not permitted to continue working for the bank. Those were the rules in those days. Married women were not employed by the bank. Mama was the President’s private secretary and had an important job but papa was the real breadwinner in the family. Rules were rules. Far different –those times. Mama wanted marriage and a family. Don’t think the bank didn’t try to influence her decisions. I am glad she was wise enough to follow her heart! Papa was in the world war and his outfit did not come home but had to stay in France to help rebuild the country. It was a blessing because papa avoided the turmoil facing homecoming troops. So their love was continued letter writing. Then, when papa did return to the States, his only work was a musician which her father said no to any marriage unless he found himself a career. Being a top musician didn’t mean beans to her papa. But thankfully he was very artistic and creative and had a chance to be an apprentice in a photoengraving shop leading to their dating success and marriage. Most important of course for me was the family we came to be!

I wrote earlier about her teaching me to read and use chess book by Dr. S. Tarrasch, THE GAME OF CHESS. I remember being interested in chess news and following news on the war. My oldest brother Ray had been drafted after hs graduation and was at boot camp. He eventually became a training instructor at Ft. Landing Florida training troops for the Pacific Japanese war in the Pacific and then to Fort Benning in Georgia training troops for the invasion of Europe. I was 6 yrs. old going to the grocery store in town for Aunt Lizzie and talking with her about her two sons who were in the Marines and Airforce. She was not my real aunt but always thought of her as Auntie. She would read me letters from both as well as Ray. Their names were Bubby and Norm and she really loved getting mail from them and letting me read their letters. Her husband Oscar worked for a railroad company as I recall I attended the junior high school across the street from our house during kindergarten and first grade. What adventures I had with playmate Roberta. A lady teacher came to teach summer school and taught us all sorts of war games. I sometimes wonder if she was a Nazi because she was always asking me about folks in the army and navy I knew about. But I said it wasn’t allowed to talk about the war or my soldier family members whereabouts. She made me commander of the raiders who played war games with the school kids who were working at the school. Our instructions by this teacher were to attack and capture the school fort as we called it. Our weapons were foot long boards with nails for handle triggers, old rubber tubes sliced to hold the portable handles. We also raided the trains that ran along the tracks bordering what was called Rhiner territory, but we quit them when we saw that they were involved in stealing supplies, and I told Roberta’s father who was a police officer. He became later the police chief of Ithaca and an FBI agent after that.

Enough! More interesting things were both our dads had rented farmland and had victory gardens. My dad was really proud of his garden, and we had plenty of vegetables–lettuce, kale, tomatoes, sweetcorn, green beans, eggs from our chickens and a 4H club member. Later on, when moving to Ontario I had 13 pet white ducks for several years so enjoyed not only chicken eggs but duck eggs.

Wrote elsewhere about life after Ithaca. But Ithaca will always be the joy of my youth with adventures that might rival a bit coming from the pen of Mark Twain.



Don’s Coffee & Tea Break 12/17/22

December 17, 2022

PEARLS BEFORE SWINE. Pig asks Rat if he saw the Warriors game. Rat says the game was DVRed as I wanted to enjoy it later by knowledge of its outcome. May I ask why your arms are raised? Pig is doing a YOGA move. Gotta go do more YOGA.

FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE. Mom finds Liz and April on the floor with a pile of wrapping paper on the floor. Liz says that they have one wrapped so far!

SHOE. Busy at the typewriter again, he is reporting on this news breaking about a hotel chain purchasing the Leaning

Don’s Coffee & Tea Break 12/14/22

December 14, 2022


Don’s Coffee & Tea Break 12/13/22

December 14, 2022

PEARLS BEFORE SWINE. Pig, where have you been hiding? I’ve been playing trivia at the pub every Tuesday night with a team I joined. How is your team doing? Gosh, I don’t really know–play just for fun and don’t keep tabs on the team results. Rat thinks what a horrible way to go through life.

April, we brought you here to see Santa and mom wants to take pictures of you sitting on Santa Claus’ knee. So, let’s do it for mom, okay? Picture taken showing Santa and mom with big smiling faces and a droll tired face of baby April.

JUMP START. Why did you have a falling out with one of your bridesmaids? She accused me of marrying Marcus because he is a big starring football player and rich. Right now, we are down two Bridemaids. Promise me you won’t talk to anyone until after the wedding.

GARFIELD. This year I have a plan about my getting more presents for Christmas under the tree. He types on the computer, Dear Santa! I have been especially good this year and so has my long-lost brother, Bob. Here is his Christmas wish–list!

BLONDIE. Dithers enters Dag’s office and tells him he doesn’t know what to get his wife for Christmas that would top the one he gave her last Christmas. That was a platinum $10 thousand dollar gift card. God, she spent it all by the end of the day.

PICKLES. Opal tells Earl that she pauses and reflects on the past. Earl says as he stares at the ceiling that he too reflects on the past. He looks at the ceiling and lays his head back on his pillow, and drifts off into the night and snores.

HAGAR. Hagar’s daughter and boyfriend are sitting on her couch when he tells her that he had a dream last night asking her to marry him. She screams in delight, throwing her arms around his neck hugging and kissing him, screaming: I ACCEPT!!

Don’s Coffee & Tea Break 12/10/22

December 12, 2022

PEARLS BEFORE SWINE. I heard you broke up with your girlfriend Pigita because she dresses her favorite pizza with slices of pineapple. I don’t blame you because I put anchovies on my pizza. When it comes to pizza, I only use anchovies. End of story!

FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE. Liz is wondering about Anthony. He seems to be around me everywhere lately. But there goes my vivid imagination again Liz. Anthony is daydreaming about Liz, thinking how he could save her if she were at the beach and he found her unconscious following her dive off the springboard. He would carry her to safety, reviving her unconscious state in his protective arms. You kidding yourself again? She doesn’t even know I am special or adore her. Dream again, buddy. You just have a good imagination. She hardly knows I exist. Liz thinks what would happen if he started to talk to me? I’d likely talk and say something stupid, and he would figure I was a real dozzie.

SHOE. After lighting his cigar, he exclaims to Roz of his good news. I cured my insomnia! How did you do that? I started reading chapter one of Cosmo’s new book he got published.

PICKLES. Opal, Earl and Roscoe the dog directed by Earl into the living room where he had just set up the Christmas tree on its stand. That old tree has got to go. It is a mess. Earl says that it brings back so many wonderful memories of Christmases past. Roscoe by now is close to the trunk and they both watch as he raises his leg and waters the tree.

HAGAR. Sunday morning finds the town’s small congregation in church. The Monk talks religious sermon and song. Several members appear to have black eyes and ruffed up clothes. The Monk looks sternly in the direction where Hagar is seated with his family. He starts his lecture on the morals of this past week. Hagar’s wife looks sternly sitting next to her husband with that evil eye look. I think his sermon lecture this week is aimed at you.

FRED BASSET. Come on boys! Dad and Mom shoo Fred and Yaki off the sofa. Fred looks at them as the pair land on the floor. Fred thinks; one rule for them and one rule for us.