Archive for September, 2009

Kindred’s Kaleidoscope: A Bit of Chessic Thanks

September 19, 2009

It is hard to believe that from 2007 to present I have embodied from my first column, devoted to my audience and readers, the key essence of what our trip together through time has trickled from my fingers tapping out my thoughts and trails I walked, sharing with you the ups and downs of chessdom. As such, if I have enriched, enticed, led by my spirit being to pass along my own joy for chess in all its component glories, then I have achieved some justified hope for sharing my thoughts and dreams with you.

Writing such a blog with a rather narrow topic within wordpress called CHESS was my choice. I could have written on the political scene that seems to factor in a greater audience and participation, but then I leave that to critics of the present with all their opinions. Why did I omit such an idea you might ask? Is it not a topic more engaging and of greater importance to the advancement of the human race? Frankly I believe that human events and social functioning tends to be cyclical. Is there in fact anything new in life when you think about the history of mankind and Earth’s makeup. I once coined that “Life is like a bowl of cherries. There is fruit and the pits that remain.”

My purpose already stated was to give to both chess players and the general public an outlet where the theme was always of a chessic nature tied with examples of my thoughts and lessons both inside the chessboard as well as on the chessboard of Life. Yes, I wanted a unique format and one which I have experienced. My English and Speech teachers taught me that one should write and talk on subjects both researched and more importantly defined through personal experience. That makes the oral or written word breathe life.

When I started my blog, I had no idea how long it would last or will last into the future. My aim is to be somewhat unconventional, present originality, stimulate with vigor the spirit of my readers and students, and hopefully to have an intriguing effect on the passing scene. From time to time I have also tried to make some sense out of this nonsensical world while keeping it within the realm of a chessic nature.

I guess I often wonder if I have achieved my purpose and dreams to convey my over 60 years now of interest and experience with those wooden symbols of power that unleashed brings pleasure and joy or sorrow as the case might be for the combatants. But even here, I wish to pass on my thinking that, no matter the result, life lessons are learned at the board.

If you enjoy my columns, please leave a comment of a personal thought or question which a future column may well address. Thank you in advance. The column is meant for you–my readers!

Adios for now!

Kindred’s Special: Rochester, NY–A perfect home for chess enthusiasts

September 15, 2009

In the heartland of western New York, Rochester has an old history that should attract the multitude of visitors to size up the surrounding territory, the city itself, and the enormous opportunities for the family looking for a home. Situated between Buffalo and Syracuse amid other smaller cities and towns, its central location to all this provides the prospective seeker of a place to find an abode rich in history, quality schools, churches of all faiths, quality hospitals and medical centers with what might be called ‘top physicians and medical care’ for the entire family.

Of course my main idea here is to entice chess playing families to consider Rochester as a great place to live. New York State has the largest park in America as well as numerous beautiful places to have picnics, outdoor fun, and colorful waterfalls. Many of these are within driving distance of Rochester. The wine center here in the Fingerlakes, along with the quality of city life featuring along East Avenue the various museums, science center, Eastman House that features old time films and history of Kodak’s founder. Every year we have the smell of lilacs where tens of thousands of visitors congregate to view, smell, and purchase goodies and snap memorable pictures.  A number of industries, service companies, financial institutions and opportunities for self-starters who can confirm that the region has great potential for small business opportunities and a wide variety of homes in the marketplace. The field of educational opportunities abound.

What has this got to do with chess? Well, for one thing, it is a great place to find chess activity, quality events, a variety of game play and scholastic chess support in schools that beckons the woodpusher to come to where the action is.

                                    FALL CHESS LEAGUE STARTS

THE ROCHESTER CHESS CENTER once again sponsors and holds in its club quarters the Fall Chess League that runs from September 14th through November 23, 2009.  With 10 rounds, one game per week (every Monday night) teams vie for honors in friendly competition. Substitutes are welcome as often a place may open up for a newcomer. Even so, the action usually is worth following. On Columbus Day, October 12, 2009, there will be no match.

All games are played on the premises of the Rochester Chess Center, 221 Norris Drive, Rochester, NY 14610, tel. 442-2430. Those planning to visit should call first to be sure the club will be open.

Chess coaches from the Center carry on chess classes at many area schools as well as on site. Also, it boasts a huge library of chess literature of all types and chess equipment to meet any enthusiasts needs and desires.

Kindred’s Special: Jenifer Woods Memorial Grand Prix

September 9, 2009

The Rochester Chess Center located at 221 Norris Drive, Rochester, NY 14610, tel. (585) 442-2430, announces a very lively clock time control of G/60 for rounds 1-2, and G/90 for rounds 3-4. This four round tournament has 10 grand prix points to entice the avid chess fan.

New to the Rochester, Genesee, Finger Lakes Region?? The Rochester Chess Center is ably operated by the Lohrmans with a track record of holding  tournaments, matches, scholastic chess lessons and a solid membership having a mix of talents to welcome newcomers and returnees to the world of chess competition.

This is a USCF-rated tournament with 10 Grand Prix points up for grabs.  Entry fee is $30 with registration at 8:30-9:15 a.m. on October 10th 2009. For questions and advance entries, contact the RCC at the above.

Excellent chess instruction available for students with sessions held both at the RCC and at various middle schools who have chess programs going.

What do you get for the $30 entry fee?  For starters, a great place to play chess at the Rochester Chess Center, the opportunity to battle for Grand Prix points (10) and a nice prize fund as follows:

Prize places:  $150, $90, $60.  Class prize $80.

Interested in supporting the local chess scene? Getting your feet wet for the first time since learning to play seems daunting but an experience you will find stimulating.

KindredSpirit’s Kaleidoscope: CCLA News

September 9, 2009

The Correspondence Chess League of America (CCLA) announced Five CCLA Champions in five major CCLA tournaments where competition is keen and demands determination, skill, and a fearless heart in what many term “the best competitive spirit in chess play” is often illustrated in the pages of THE CHESS CORRESPONDENT.

  1. 2006 CCLA Championship:  Grayling Hill (7.5-2.5) managed the top rung with both Jim Brailsford and Mike Foust biting at his heels, falling short by a half-point.
  2. 2006 EMAIL Championship: Ken Reinhart (4.5-1.5) bested Grayling Hill by a half-point. This event was played on the ICCF server. Crosstables and games can be viewed at Click on the result of each game to view and replay the game. Also you can click on”Get PGN” to view all games.
  3. 2003 Grand National: Daniel Woodard tops the field with 234 point out of a possible 252 to beat out Ted Houser and William Merrell, both whom trailed with a respectable 245.
  4. 2004 Grand National: John Menke axed the entire event with a perfect 252 total. Some games still in play.
  5. 2005 Grand National: Laurence A. Anderson won by a large margin with 243 points followed by Danny Horwitz with 211.

Every year the CCLA has a contest for BEST GAMES which has run for many years. All games completed in 2008 by members may submit their best games for consideration. The games selected are then printed in the magazine with no names for the general membership to cast their votes. (Its really a sneaky way to get games for publication of course!)

The long time queen and team secretary Verna Fausey once more shows her astute and professional aptitude for love of cc play by guiding the team league once more to a 22-team, 4 division league kick-off. She relates that there is usually room for subs who can play for free.

To celebrate the 100th CCLA anniversary, the Armed Forces Services Postal Chess Club (ASPCC) accepted a special invitation by Ms. Fausey to participate and they accepted with Captain Kristo Miettinen, entering two-teams. The total listing of team captains is listed in the magazine issue for July-September2009, Vol. 82, No. 3.

                                         A SAD OBIT

Ira Lee Riddle, a director on the CCLA Board since 2006, has died while on a holiday cruise around England with his wife Polly. Many will know him from his achievements in chess circles which are numerous.

  1. Former editor of The Chess Journalist;
  2. Former President of The Chess Journalists of America;
  3. Vice President of the Pennyslvania State Chess Federation;
  4. Former editor of its quarterly, The Pennswoodpusher.

Dedicated to serve his fellow chess mates and public, he exemplifies the best of character and makeup of its past, present and future talents. Rest in Peace.

CCLA announcement for the 25th CCLA Championship & the annual Leadership Tournament (semi-class event) has a deadline for entries to be postmarked by September 15th 2009. Play begins October 6, 2009.

The Championship is closed to the top 11 rated entrants, one game with each opponent. Entry fee is $8.00. Prizes lst $50, 2nd $25, 3rd $10. The winner also receives a trophy.

The Leadership is a semi-class event with 7-9 players, entry fee is $8.00, this is a ladder type event where the players are assigned a section by decending ratings. (Years ago I enjoyed this event most of all and have fond memories of the many friends met and friendly note exchanges that crossed the mails.)

If you want to try either of these events and not currently a member of CCLA with an established rating of at least 10 games under your belt, consider joining the club. CCLA serves North America’s woodpushers. “Serving the North American postal and email chess community since 1909.”

Inquiries to: President Herbert Hickman, 15 Crossbrook Place, Livingston, NJ 07039-0142 USA.