Kindred’s Special: Chess Match Up Quiz

1.  What famous personality said in an interview:  I devote most of my spare time to chess, using my Velcro board? 1. Ray Romano  2. Raymond Keene

3.  Ray Charles   4.  Hans Ree   5.  Chevy Chase   (  1  –  2  – 3  –  4 – 5  )

2.  Whom did GM Miguel Najdorf call “a small gangster”? (  1. Alekhine   2.  Al Capone   3.  Nimzowitch   (  1  –  2  –  3  )

3.   Donald Reithel, the Kindred Spirit, studied Tarrasch’s The Game of Chess at the ages 12-13 while recovering from 1. a broken collar bone  2. broken leg   3.  scarlet fever  4.  pneumonia  5. whooping-cough  (  1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 )

4.  True or False: GM V. Hort learned the moves for chess at age 6 while in the hospital recovering from jaundice.

5.  True or False:  Anatoly Karpov began playing chess at age 7 which he learned while recouping from whooping-cough and other ailments.

6.  True or False:  Who said in an interview: “I do not like to give interviews to people who do not know who Steinitz is.

7.  Korchnoi said when asked if his opponent played a surprisingly good move, he would, 1. leave the board, 2. offer a draw, 3. resign.   (  1 – 2 -3 ).

8.  John Montagu, the patron who helped Philidor publish the first great chess book is better known for having invented: 1- the thermometer, 2- the sandwich.  (  1  –  2  ).

9.  Cuba’s Che Guevara  once told GM Ludek Pachman that if he could do whatever he wanted to do Guevara would  1. play like Pachman  2. Flee to Florida   3.  Make a revolution in Venezuela  4.  Give Fidel Castro “pawn and move”.   (  1  -2  – 3 – 4  )

10.  First edition copies of Bobby Fischer’s Chess Games were marred because  1. his name was misspelled as Fisher  2. two moves in his Game of the Century were transposed  3.  the person identified as Fischer in one photo was not of Fischer )  1  – 2  – 3

Please let me know if you enjoyed these ten and would like to see more in the future.  Answers will be given on this page at a later time.  Enjoy!!

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